Ipswich Legal Notice: RFP for lease of space for wireless communications | Media Pyro


Photo courtesy of Ed Colley

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Town of Ipswich


40 Plover Hill Rd. Ipswich, MA

Space Lease for Wireless Communication Facility

Please Support Local Readers

Request for Proposals

The Town of IpswichAwarding Authorities, a Request for Proposals will be issued from companies for the Leasing space for a Wireless Communication Center inside Ipswich Massachusetts, based on articles prepared by The Town of Ipswich.

Leasing permits will be awarded to the highest and best applicants per application.

Applications subject to MGL c.30 § 39M & to minimum wage rates required.

RFP Proposals will be received until December 7, 2022 @ 1:00pm EST and immediately opened it.

This project is Bid Electronically (E-Bid) or the city accepts hard copy bids. All electronic bids must be prepared and submitted online at www.Projectdog.com and received no later than the date and time specified above. Hard copy applications, applicants must submit (3) copies, which will be approved by the Awarding Authority at 25 Green St. Ipswich, MA 01938. For assistance with electronic documents and submissions, contact Projectdog, Inc. at 978.499.9014.

RFP Forms and Documents are available electronically at www.Projectdog.com on November 2, 2022; Project Code 852593. Papers are also available at 25 Green St, Ipswich, MA in the Planning office the same day during business hours.

The facility and/or facility will be available for evaluation by requesting a site visit through November 30, 2022 by appointment only. Please see the documentation for meeting schedule requirements.

To schedule a site visit contact Vicki Halmen at vhalmen@ipswichutilities.org


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