10 questions and answers about the 3rd Amendment | Media Pyro


JEFFERSON CITY – Missouri voters will be asked on November 8 whether they want to legalize the use of recreational drugs by adults. The citizen’s ballot question, known as Amendment 3, would enshrine a weed buying system in the state constitution after years of legislative inaction.

The proposed amendment — a 39-page document on definitions, rules and regulations — will be shortened to 150 words on a vote.

Not included in the ballot language, for example, was Amendment 3’s ban on the sale of “marijuana-laced products in forms or packages that are acceptable to children.” or asking the government to hire a “decent officer” to help poor people get it. to business.

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The ballot language — unlike the amendment — also doesn’t detail the many steps involved in obtaining a state license to sell weed.

Here are some key questions and answers about the program:

Who is funding the 3rd Amendment?

The political action committee supports the 3rd amendment initiative called Legal Missouri 2022. Financial filings for the initiative with the Missouri Ethics Commission show that companies in the pharmaceutical industry are banking on Missouri, because they get the first shot at sales licenses. recreational drug.

Reports indicate that Missouri Legislature 2022 has raised more than $6 million to first get Amendment 3 on the ballot, then promote it through advertisements and other campaign efforts.

There is a PAC opposing the amendment called Save Our State. As of Sept. 30, the administration had not collected or spent enough to issue a more substantial report. A number of groups and individuals have weighed in, including heads of the NAACP, labor unions, prosecutors and Roman Catholic bishops, but the programs have not been attacked in opposition to the issue.

How much marijuana can you buy?

Amendment 3 will go into effect in early December, making it possible for the state to issue general admission licenses for marijuana dispensaries to existing dispensaries by February 6.

Once those stores are licensed, anyone 21 or older can buy up to 3 ounces of dry, unprocessed marijuana per day. The government uses a special weighing system to determine the legal amount of gum and other products that are not sold in flower form.

Individuals can have 3 ounces on their own, 3 ounces at home and 3 ounces elsewhere, said John Payne, program director for Legal Missouri 2022.

Can you buy marijuana?

It is not necessary to sell your marijuana. No one can sell it outside the operating system. That said, the patient’s caregiver can be reimbursed for their services and expenses for growing and purchasing marijuana for the patient from the dispensary.

Individuals are prohibited from buying marijuana in Missouri and driving it to another state, even if it is legal in that state, because it violates federal law, and crossing state lines requires their power.

How much marijuana can you grow?

People who want to grow their own pot must apply for registration cards from the government. Once registered, an individual may possess, transport, plant, cultivate, harvest, dry, process or manufacture up to six flowering marijuana plants, six cannabis plants and six marijuana plants ( plants under 14 inches tall), according to the amendment.

Marijuana plants and products that exceed the 3-ounce limit must be kept in a private residence in an out-of-sight, locked area.

Anyone who grows their own is allowed to donate up to 3 ounces of marijuana.

Can you consume marijuana in public?

Any person who consumes marijuana or consumes any other illegal drug in a public place, other than a licensed place, is subject to a civil penalty of up to $100.

If you get pulled over by the police, are you likely to be cited as a reckless driver?

Driving while impaired, whether due to alcohol, marijuana, or other substances, is still illegal. If a person is pulled over because they are suspected of driving under the influence of drugs, the police may perform a number of tests to determine if the driver is impaired. The officer can also ask a drug expert to examine the driver to get an expert opinion.

Driving under the influence in Missouri is considered a Class B misdemeanor, if it is a first offense. That first offense is punishable by up to six months in jail or a $500 fine.

Do pharmacies have trouble with ads?

Legal Missouri 2022 states that dispensaries can offer sales, discounts and other promotions.

Like medical marijuana dispensaries, advertised on billboards and other means, there are no restrictions on recreational drug advertising any more than there are laws on alcohol advertising.

The Missouri Department of Health and Human Services, which administers the program, imposes requirements that packaging and labeling are not attractive to children, and that products must be sold in resealable packages, child protection.

Will cities and counties have the right to sell marijuana?

The amendment would allow local governments to set rules governing the operation of marijuana dispensaries, such as when they are open and where they can be.

Local governments can ban drug stores by popular vote. The measure must receive at least 60% approval to be valid. According to the amendment local elections related to such bans can only be held every four years.

In addition, no new marijuana facility should be located within 1,000 feet of an elementary school, day care center or church.

How to cancel?

The amendment includes an automatic expungement for most people who have marijuana-related offenses on their records. People who are still incarcerated must petition the courts to have their records expunged.

“The expungement order shall remain in force as a matter of law and the person whose records are expunged shall be treated in all circumstances as if he had never been arrested, convicted or sentenced for a crime,” it said. the correction.

Will there be financial implications for governments?

The proceeds from the property sales tax are put into the “Veterans, Health, and Community Reinvestment Fund.”

The 6% tax on the retail price of marijuana goes toward court costs and legal fees related to expungements for people convicted of certain non-violent marijuana offenses. The rest of the money goes to substance abuse treatment programs, military health care and the federal system.

Local governments can levy an additional 3% tax and federal sales taxes are repaid, raising the total tax bill to more than 13%.

The petition says the initial costs for the state will be $3.1 million and the estimate is at least $7.9 million. It would cost local governments $35,000 more in annual fees and increase annual revenue by $13.8 million, according to the petition.

Missourians will vote on November 8th for the full legalization of marijuana. Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft’s office on Tuesday, August 9, 2022, announced that the campaign has received enough signatures to go before Missouri voters.

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