Baltimore SAO responds to legal question raised in Adnan Syed’s murder case | Media Pyro


BALTIMORE — The Baltimore City Attorney’s Office responded Tuesday to a questionable legal notice used to help Adnan Syed face murder charges earlier this year.

The Baltimore Banner published a redacted version of the handwriting, which the lawyer wrote on a notebook during the interrogation of Hae Min Lee’s murder earlier in the day.

Syed was convicted of Lee’s murder and served more than two decades in prison. He was released from jail in September pending the results of DNA testing on items Lee was carrying when his body was found in Leakin Park.

Before Lee disappeared in 1999. He and Syed were attending Woodlawn High School in Baltimore County.

Lee’s body was found in Leakin Park in Southwest Baltimore. An autopsy determined she died of strangulation.

In October, the Baltimore City Attorney’s Office announced that it had found no DNA evidence linking Syed to Lee’s murder.

Syed, 41, his innocence has been preserved in the killing of his ex-girlfriend, and the prosecution of the case gained national attention in 2014 through the podcast “Serial.”

Ever since the judge dismissed Syed’s conviction, there has been a public outcry Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh and the state prosecutor, Marilyn Mosbyor for the Lee family to work properly during the law.

The State Attorney’s Office identified in its statement that Kevin Urick, who worked as a former prosecutor, was involved in the destruction of the note.

The agency says the legal memo “is solely within the jurisdiction of the SAO and the Attorney General’s office.”

“Unfortunately, the former prosecutors who have completely mishandled this case will continue to try to save face, and the victim’s family and Mr. Syed will suffer further because of their wrongdoing,” the Attorney General’s Office said. the city of Baltimore City in the story. “Furthermore, our office stands by our year-long investigation, and our final finding is that there is no credible evidence that Mr. Syed was involved in Ms. Lee’s death.”

The Baltimore Banner did not say where it obtained the legal memo.

Baltimore prosecutors used the note to support their case, saying it was evidence that they had recently found evidence of another murder.

But Urick was referring to Syed in the memo, according to the Baltimore Banner.

“There is absolutely no reason to believe that Kevin Urick, who has also created an indictment for making mock calls, is making threats against Adnan Syed. In this case, it involved withholding evidence of the hair; attempting to prevent the witness’ contradictory statements from being disclosed to the defense; and attempting to conceal from the defense a favorable agreement given to the first witness,” the statement said. the SAO. “Clearly, Urick has serious issues.”

Baltimore Banner reporters said in a statement that Urick confirmed his handwriting but declined to comment.


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