How to find legal resources | Media Pyro


When people suddenly encounter legal issues, it is usually because something has gone wrong. They get scared, confused, and lost. Do I need a lawyer? Where do I start? Can I hire a lawyer? The State Bar of Arizona can help those who need legal help. It’s right there in our mission statement; “The State Bar of Arizona exists to serve and protect the public by providing legal services and access to justice.” That means, yes, the Association oversees the licensing and legal practices of attorneys in Arizona, but its primary mission is to ease the barriers that prevent people from accessing justice.

2021 saw more than 3,000 calls from Arizonans with legal issues to the party’s Public Service Center. Coordinator Fabiola Perez was often the first point

“Many people need a way to get started. The Panel cannot recommend a lawyer or provide legal advice, but we can guide and educate them about the necessary resources. ana – whether that’s going to look for a lawyer on our website, ask for legal help,” he said.

Among other efforts to reach out to consumers, the State Bar began hosting free legal clinics every month in 2022. Volunteer attorneys, who attend via Zoom, offered free 30-minute consultations on a variety of topics including family law, wills and trusts, bankruptcy and more. The plan is to do it in person. But these “Zoom” clinics offer legal assistance to anyone, anywhere in the state and offer privacy, hence Zoom. Talk about getting judged! So far 100 volunteer attorneys have donated approximately 570 hours to ensure that more than 500 Arizonans received legal assistance.

The site’s newest feature on its website,, is a Video Legal Resource. The page contains a growing digital collection of free content designed to eliminate illegal activity. With the click of a button, customers can learn about the rights of tenants when the AC is issued, how to change your name legally, find a lawyer and more.

While the bar works with many legal organizations throughout the state, its closest affiliation is with its sister organization, the Arizona Bar Foundation. A major stakeholder in government involvement in the justice system, the Foundation oversees a number of programs and projects that educate and connect people with legal aid.

One of the most popular Site and Platform links is the Best Practices Project. This program provides legal services to people who do not qualify for free legal aid but cannot afford the standard rate for lawyers. Lawyers who agree to give a one-hour consultation for a reduced fee will be motivated.

For more information on legal resources throughout Arizona, visit and click on “For the public and


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