Illegal parking is no longer allowed on Linden streets – The Demopolis Times | Media Pyro


Illegal parking is no longer allowed on Linden streets

Published at 9:00 am Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Dear citizens of Linden,

Due to numerous complaints over the years, the City of Linden, Al has decided that illegal motor vehicles will no longer be allowed on the streets of Linden, Al. Non-Street legal vehicles include 4-wheelers, side-cars, golf carts and certain types of ATVs that are considered off-road. In order for a vehicle to be legal on the road it must meet all the requirements.

Requirements: 1. Insurance

  1. Indicator lights, Head lights Tail lights and Brake lights
  2. License plate and registration
  3. straight hat
  4. A proper muffler
  5. motorcycle (ATV)
  6. If the windshield is complete, it should have a windshield wiper blade

In addition, the driver must be 16 years of age or older and have a valid driver’s license.

Parents or adults who consent to the minimum non-driver’s license to operate an illegal vehicle on the road or street on the streets of Linden, Al., will be cited.

The Police Department will enforce traffic violations committed by drivers of illegal vehicles on or off the streets of Linden, Al.

A first offense is a written warning. Future offenses will result in a citation(s) and may be towed.

It is the goal of the City of Linden to provide safety and respect for all of our citizens.

We thank you in advance for your cooperation.


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