COLORADO SPRINGS, Colorado Springs (KKTV) – Authorities believe there is no credible threat following reports of a possible school shooting in Colorado Springs.
Police shared some details about the incident on their online blotter on Thursday morning. According to CSPD, the investigation began at 7 a.m. when the department received Safe2Tell notifications of a “possible planned school shooting” at Banning Lewis Preparatory Academy. The school is on the northeast side of town, off Vista del Pico Boulevard.
“School officials, D49 security personnel, CSPD SROs and patrol began actively investigating the threat,” police wrote online. “Officers have contacted the parties involved and do not believe there is a credible threat to the school at this time. The incident caused significant disruption to the functioning of the school and the learning of the students.
Police added on their online blotter that there is no credible threat to the safety of students or the school.
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