Law-Bay Pre Settlement Funding Relief for excess legal funding requests due to rising inflation | Media Pyro


The average cost of food, travel and air has increased; Consumers are looking for bonus cash to help pay for the holidays

CEDAR GROVE, NJ, November 14, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Legal-Bay, the Settlement Funding Company, announced that they are preparing for an influx of litigation funding applications in the fall. With the changing weather and the growing Thanksgiving season, road accidents are on the rise this time of year. Coupled with rising fuel and property costs, Legal-Bay is seeing more motor accident claimants asking for a settlement grant to help with the financial crisis.

Gas companies are ripping off consumers at the pumps while greedy corporations continue to expand for everything from clothing to food. Due to the cost of living expenses in recent months, Legal-Bay is ready for the plaintiffs to use legal funds to pay for the upcoming holiday season.

Chris JanishAccording to the CEO of Legal-Bay, “With the country facing gas prices and inflation in the past, people know that they will pay more for Thanksgiving this year. , but thank you we’ve been exposed, because it’s a way to make extra money to go see family and put turkey on the table.”

Legal-Bay is one of the best companies for fast compensation lawsuits related to car accidents, and their turnaround is one of the fastest in the industry with 24-hour approval for car accidents, slip and falls, and all personal injury cases.

If you are an attorney or claimant involved in an active motor vehicle dispute and need an immediate cash advance for an imminent settlement, please visit Legal-Bay HERE or call 877.571.0405.

Legal-Bay’s debt settlement programs are designed to provide immediate funding before the plaintiff’s bankruptcy. There is no risk for bonuses in free legal cases, because the money is not paid out if the game is lost. Therefore, it is not a loan, but a loan.

To apply now for a trial credit, visit the company’s website HERE or call toll free at: 877.571.0405 there are salespeople standing by to answer questions.



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