Legal notice Duluth International Airport – Duluth News Tribune | Media Pyro


Legal Notice Duluth International Airport FAA Decision on Noise Exposure Maps The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) announced on October,6 2022 Federal Register (Volume 87, Number 208, page 65280) its decision on the 2020 Condition Noise Exposure Map and 2026 Future Noise Plan issued by the Duluth Airport Authority for the Duluth Airport under the provisions of 49 USC Section 47503 and 14 CFR Part 150 was found to be in compliance with the applicable requirements he. 49 USC Section 47503, provides that no person acquiring property or having an interest in property in an area surrounding an airport that has been issued a Noise Limit Map under the Act has the right to recover any damages claimed resulting from airport noise if there is a true or false advertisement of the existence of the Noise Light Map but, in addition to the other provisions for the recovery of damages, the person can show that the damages claimed resulted from a substantial change, after the date of receipt of the property, attention to the property, regardless of the type or frequency of the flight operations, flight layout, flight patterns or airport night operations. The Duluth Airport Authority provides effective notice and publication of this LEGAL COMMENTARY of the FAA Decision on Noise Reduction Plans. The effective date of the FAA’s decision on Noise Exposure Plans is October 6, 2022. (Nov. 11, 19 & 26, 2022) 121775


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