Prop. allows. 1 abortion after fetal life? Legal experts say no | News | Media Pyro


Proposition 1, the Nov. 8 ballot measure that would create a “birth control” protection in the California Constitution, was not written to expand abortion access into the final months of life. pregnancy, and despite warnings from opponents, legal experts say it is. a highly unlikely outcome if passed.

The measure’s simple language — “the government shall not deny or interfere with the reproductive freedom of the individual in its best decisions” — is a point of contention, even among some who support the rights. abortion, since being introduced this summer. .

If Proposition 1 fails, abortion access in California will not change. But opponents warn that, if passed, the measure would undermine restrictions in state law, which limit the procedure after a fetus is considered viable, thus allowing abortion. until birth.

Margaret Russell, a professor of constitutional law at Santa Clara University School of Law, said the question of whether Proposition 1 would expand abortion access is straightforward, but its language should be considered in light of the context.

Because supporters have made it clear that they want to reaffirm the right to abortion in California, he said, the court will ignore that evidence and interpret Proposition 1 as allowing abortions. for whatever reason at all times.

“This is not a bait-and-switch,” Russell said.

Why Proposition 1 is on the ballot

Project 1 is a response to the US Supreme Court’s decision in June that overturned Roe v. Wade and repealed legal protections for abortion nationwide.

That decision did not change access to abortion in California, where it is protected by state law and the right to privacy is protected by state law.

But fearing that lawmakers will change their minds in the future, or that judges will follow the Supreme Court’s lead and reinterpret the right to privacy, Democratic politicians let Proposition 1 to voters. They argued that Californians should take a stronger pledge so they don’t lose access to abortion.

The measure states that “the government shall not deny or interfere with the reproductive freedom of individuals in their most intimate decisions, including their fundamental right to choose an abortion and their fundamental right to opt-out or opt-out of blocking actions.”

The protest movement, led largely by the Catholic Church, has focused on what was not included in Proposition 1 — a discussion of restrictions on abortion.

‘Tsunamis of the law’

A federal law passed in 2002, the Reproductive Privacy Act, sets forth the “fundamental right to choose to have a child or to have an abortion prior to fetal viability,” it can survive outside the womb without special treatment. intervention, as determined by the physician’s “good medical judgment.”

It is usually considered to be about 24 weeks of pregnancy. In addition to that, abortion is only legal in California if it is “necessary to protect the life and health of the woman.”

Christopher Bakes, a trial attorney who opposes Proposition 1, said the broad text of the measure contradicts the pro-life framework and is a cynical way to legalize abortions after that time.

“If that’s not the case, then it’s supposed to be legal,” he said.

At a rally against Proposition 1 on the steps of the state Capitol in early October, Bakes called the constitutional amendments “waves of the law. They will disrupt everything in their path.” , will remove obstacles” because they have the power of the law.

He told CalMatters that the ambiguous wording in Proposition 1 could have unintended consequences that would require the courts to step in and determine the meaning, such as when a father asserts his family freedom and insists on prevent abortion. Opponents could mount their own legal challenge if Proposition 1 is passed to ban post-life abortions.

“They can be attacked on federal constitutional grounds if, for example, they deny a living fetus, liberty or property without any legal basis,” Bakes said in an interview. “It’s all kinds of angles.”

‘A higher form of law-making’

Supporters of Proposition 1 dismiss this interpretation of the measure as alarming and misleading.

They point out that California has recognized a constitutional protection for abortion, which has coexisted with legal restrictions on the procedure for decades. Proposition 1 doesn’t change that right, they argue, but simply enshrines that right to an abortion in the California Constitution, so that a future court can’t take it away.

At a virtual meeting hosted by the Proposition 1 campaign last week, Brietta Clark, a health care law expert at Loyola Law School, said the text of the measure follows “the right language” in used by the California Supreme Court when it first recognized it. abortion rights in 1969. It has been “interpreted to allow the prohibition of abortion,” he said.

Cary Franklin, a law professor at the UCLA School of Law and faculty director of the Center on Reproductive Health, Law and Policy, said the state of Document 1 is not unusual.

Even constitutional reforms that lay down broad principles, such as gun rights, he says, are not permanent. Lawmakers fill in the details with laws governing those rights, such as the age for buying a gun.

“They’re very broad. And there’s a reason for that,” Franklin said of the constitutional amendments. “Those are the ones that should be kept. Those are a higher type of law.”

Leave a lasting impression

Franklin and other experts said the pro-life language is missing from Proposition 1 because the limitations on when abortions can be performed are the type of information the Constitution should address.

As trends change and more public health data becomes available, our understanding of fetal health will change, says Sofia Gruskin, a professor at Southern University’s law school. California and director of the USC Institute on Inequalities in Global Health.

“This is something that needs to be done less and more effectively,” he said. “That’s not a legal question.”

Russell, the Santa Clara University law professor, said that the very language of constitutional reform presents its own problems in interpretation.

“There’s an argument that you’re stronger, and people will argue that there’s something else you should mention,” he said. “Then it just turned into a vortex.”

Knowing the intention

In June, the California Institute of Law at the UC Berkeley School of Law published an analysis of Proposition 1 that raised alarms about its broad language, calling it “fatally flawed.”

David A. Carrillo, the center’s executive director, initially believed that the text of Article 1 was too broad to achieve its goals, comparing it to a “blank slate.”

“The inconsistency of the common law opens the door to different judicial interpretations,” he said in an interview, including granting unrestricted access to abortion.

But supporters’ strong ballot argument, which clearly shows the measure’s need to preserve California’s historic abortion restrictions, has largely eased his concerns.

The official ballot argument for Proposition 1 and the counterargument to the measure in the federal voter guide is a reference to “the constitutional principle set forth by Roe v. Wade” and the standard of life in California law. Based on that definition, Carrillo said, the court is unlikely to misinterpret the intent of Proposition 1 to expand abortion before the point of life. .

“It’s a lot more than just medical talk,” he said. “The constitution is his own.”


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