Remove these 5 dangerous tech gadgets from your home NOW | Media Pyro


In our rush to get new technology up and running, it’s easy to miss settings that affect our privacy. Don’t make that mistake. Here’s a list of seven settings that tech companies would rather leave alone.

There are common things that we do every day that take months, even years, off the life of our appliances. Click or click to see five ways to ruin your expensive phone, laptop, tablet and TV.

Some gadgets are also a security risk. Check this list to make sure you and your family are safe.

1. Old phones lying in a box can cause a fire

YouTuber Arun Maini, who runs a popular channel called Mrwhosetheboss, has collected all of Samsung’s flagship phones since 2010. He noticed a terrible pattern. Phone batteries swell so much that the glass cracks and the cases split.

It’s not just Samsung phones. Any gadget with a lithium-ion battery can get damaged over time. A blown battery is a serious problem that can cause fire, injury, and property damage.

Rummage through the boxes of your old phones and look for any signs of a bloated battery. If you see this, here’s what to do:

Don’t try to charge a bloated phone. Charging a bloated battery may cause a fire or explosion.

If you have an old phone with an easily removable battery, carefully remove the battery from the case. If you have a newer phone, do not attempt to remove the battery yourself.

Place the inflated phone in a fireproof bag and contact the manufacturer. You may not be able to exchange the old model or get anything for it. However, at least make sure to recycle it or dispose of it properly.

When it comes to storing old phones, follow these rules:

Turn off the phone and put it in a cool place without moisture.

Charge the battery to 50% if you plan to store it for a long time. Check the battery approximately every six months and charge it halfway.

A guest holds the new iPhone 14 at an Apple event at their headquarters in Cupertino, California, the United States, on September 7, 2022.

A guest holds the new iPhone 14 at an Apple event at their headquarters in Cupertino, California, the United States, on September 7, 2022.
(REUTERS/Carlos Barria)

Maintenance can go a long way in ensuring that your current phone lasts for more years. Tap or click for my simple guide to properly cleaning your iPhone or Android, inside and out.

2. Outdated routers let hackers through

Your router has a big job: connecting all your devices to the Internet. If you are using an older model, it may not perform this task safely.

The newest security standard is WPA-3, released back in 2018. If your router is not WPA3 compatible, WPA2-PSK AES is the next most secure option. This is a sign that you need to buy a new router.

When it comes to buying a new router, there are three important factors. Consider the size and layout of your home, the number of Internet-connected devices, and your Internet speed. But with so many options, choosing the right router can be difficult.

Saving time and money: Whether you need to cover an apartment or a mansion with a mesh system, we’ve got you covered. Answer a few questions and we’ll find the best router for you. Take the 60-second quiz here to get our hand-picked recommendations.


3. No more updates

Where there is an internet connection, hackers can wreak havoc. Security updates protect you from the latest tricks of cybercriminals, so it’s important to keep your smartphone, computer, and everything else up to date.

What happens when your hardware is no longer receiving updates? It’s time to upgrade. This is obvious with your phone and computer, but the same goes for smart speakers, security cameras, and anything else that uses your home network.

Here are some more ways to protect yourself:

Check your network regularly to see which devices are online and connected. If you see something you don’t recognize, take action. Tap or click here to learn how to test all devices on your Wi-Fi network.

Try setting up a separate Wi-Fi network for your devices.

Always use strong, complex passwords that are difficult to guess. Tap or click here to create stronger passwords.

December 16, 2021, Baden-Württemberg, Rottweil: Hacking software is opened on a laptop.  Photo: Silas Stein/dpa (photo by Silas Stein/picture alliance via Getty Images)

December 16, 2021, Baden-Württemberg, Rottweil: Hacking software is opened on a laptop. Photo: Silas Stein/dpa (photo by Silas Stein/picture alliance via Getty Images)
(Silas Stein/Photo Alliance)

4. It is on the recall list

It’s not just old devices to worry about. Some products enter our homes with problems that can cause fires, injuries, and more.

The US Consumer Product Safety Commission regularly warns about unsafe products and suggests steps to take if you have a recalled product in your home.

It’s a good idea to check their list periodically to see if you have anything that threatens your family. Sometimes you can get a replacement or refund for a recalled product. There you will also find instructions for contacting the manufacturer.

We also write about major technical product recalls on Get our alerts delivered straight to your inbox by subscribing to my free fraud and security newsletter. You’ll be glad you did!

5. Old power extension cords show wear and tear

Extension cords and extension cords do a lot of work in our homes. Sometimes the extension cord can short out and turn off your devices. When this happens, even for a few seconds, check the extension cord for signs of damage. Look for signs of scorching around the sockets. They will look like rust-colored spots that you can rub off with your fingers.


Even without obvious signs of damage, using old extension cords can be dangerous. If you don’t know when you last replaced yours, add it to your shopping list.

There are many things that you must never connect to the extender. Tap or click here to view 10 dangerous mistakes you could be making.

Check out my new daily podcast to learn more about technology

My popular podcast is called “Kim Commando today.” It’s a full 30 minutes of tech news, advice, and callers with tech questions just like you from all over the country. Look for it wherever you get your podcasts. For your convenience, follow the link below to watch the latest episode.

PODCAST SELECTION: Online fbi employment quizzes holiday smart speaker tricks no more chrome

If you can solve this riddle, you belong in the FBI. Well, maybe. Plus, smart speaker holiday tricks, Amazon now lets you pay with Venmo, Chrome stops working with Windows and browser extensions that take over your searches.

Paypal Holdings Inc. Program  Venmo appears in the App Store on iPhone from Apple Inc.  in this photo taken in Washington, D.C., U.S., Monday, July 23, 2018. Venmo said it processed more than $40 billion in the past 12 months and grew 50 percent in the first quarter.

Paypal Holdings Inc. Program Venmo appears in the App Store on iPhone from Apple Inc. in this photo taken in Washington, D.C., U.S., Monday, July 23, 2018. Venmo said it processed more than $40 billion in the past 12 months and grew 50 percent in the first quarter.
(Photo: Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg)

Check out my podcast “Kim Komando Today” at Apple, Google Podcasts, Spotifyor your favorite podcast player.

Listen to the podcast here or wherever you get your podcasts. Just search for my last name “Commando”.

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Learn about all the latest technology at The The Kim Commando Show, the biggest weekend talk show in the country. Kim takes calls and offers advice on today’s digital lifestyle, from smartphones and tablets to online privacy and data breaches. For daily tips, free newsletters and more, visit her website at


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