Republican governments are pushing to deport illegal immigrants at the border | Media Pyro


Photo by Luis G. Rendon/The Daily Beast/Getty

Photo by Luis G. Rendon/The Daily Beast/Getty

A coalition of Republican-led states is asking a district court to consider whether the Biden administration can be held in contempt of court for violating an order requiring them to deport undocumented immigrants. recorded on the US-Mexico border. What is the alleged crime? Allowing Haitian immigrants to enter the country legally.

The effort shows that governments are not interested in solving illegal immigration, but rather in keeping immigrants out of the country. Of course, by trying to stop the illegal flow of immigrants, they are actually asking the Biden administration to force the border down in a way that will increase illegal immigration.

These Republican-led states want legal immigration, even if there is more chaos.

Haitians have entered the country illegally at US-Mexico ports of entry since the 2010 earthquake. The Obama administration decided not to push Haitians into the disaster, because so when they apply for asylum at ports of entry, they are granted a type of temporary status called parole. They can come in and ask to work legally.

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The result is that 99.9 percent of all Haitians coming to the US-Mexico border entered the country illegally. But the Trump administration’s decision to stop processing asylum seekers at ports of entry, and then to close nearly all ports to “non-essential” travelers during the pandemic, changed the flow to 99.9 percent is legal.

It created a huge problem of illegal immigration out of nothing, and at first, President Biden kept the restrictions.

The peak of this migration crisis occurred in September 2021, when a large group of Haitians crossed—right next to the illegal port of entry (which was closed to them). The government put them in a bad camp and refused to leave. Border Patrol agents on horseback began following Haitians as they returned from Mexico and preyed on their families.

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Aside from the Trump family separation trial, the Haitian camp is the most chaotic and dangerous time recorded in the region in decades. In response, the government tried to deport as many Haitians as they could from Haiti—and even though thousands were deported, the problem remained.

This failure led the Biden administration to make a gradual change this summer, and began re-admitting Haitians to the United States legally.

Again, more than 99 percent of the law is more than 99 percent. Problem solved. The border is closed.

<div class="roraina-image__caption">
<p>Immigrants from Haiti, who crossed the border at the US-Mexico border, wait in line to be processed by the US Border Patrol on May 20, 2022 in Yuma, Arizona.</p>
<div class="inline-image__credit">Mario Boy/Getty Images</div>
<p>” data-src=”–/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTcwNTtoPTQ1Nw–/ c90abd096bf94c235f615b3429ae4b73″/><noscript><img alt=

Immigrants from Haiti, who crossed the border at the US-Mexico border, wait in line to be processed by the US Border Patrol on May 20, 2022 in Yuma, Arizona.

Mario Boy/Getty Images

” src=”–/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTcwNTtoPTQ1Nw–/″ class=”caas-img”/>

Immigrants from Haiti, who crossed the border at the US-Mexico border, wait in line to be processed by the US Border Patrol on May 20, 2022 in Yuma, Arizona.

Mario Boy/Getty Images

But this is exactly what worries these Republican states: they know that the Biden administration has solved a big part of the border problem, but they don’t want these immigrants to stay in the country — by legal or otherwise — whatever that means. more chaos in the area.

The GOP-led states are surprised by all of this — saying the administration hasn’t shown them change — but this is simply a lie. In its first report to the court, the Biden administration proposed how to create a process for bringing in illegal immigrants at ports of entry, and in its latest report to the court , ​said that the number of illegal entries “has started to increase”.

What is at stake here is not just a legal dispute. Instead, governments are trying to disrupt local governance just days after the election. They know that none of the politicians want to see the problems that happened in the region in September last year, but that is what they will produce if the court is on their side.

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It should be noted that other immigrants are legally accepted (although not many) besides Haitians (although for some reason governments mention Haitians). There are very few exceptions for Central American families, and almost always Ukrainians enter illegally at ports of entry.

But the governments are not really worried about the influx of Ukrainians. They have not defended that action. Instead, they expect Biden to be criticized for what they believe to be bad politics if he also bans black Haitian immigrants from legal, and then illegal, immigration.

It might be right. But the truth is simple: these Republican states want a free, neutral border.

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