Sotomayor rejects legal demand from NYC workers who have lost jobs due to vaccine mandates | Media Pyro


Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor rejected an appeal Thursday from New York City workers who protested the city’s COVID-19 vaccination mandate that cost them their jobs.

The activists included firefighters, public school teachers, law enforcement officers, sanitation workers, and a group called New Yorkers for Religious Freedom. They said New York City’s policy undermines constitutional protections by asking workers to choose between their jobs or getting the COVID-19 vaccine.

The group said that when the city granted vaccination rights for certain religious positions, these measures were taken under “reasonable” criteria.


The case is currently in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, meaning a final decision could take months.

Sotomayor, who presides over emergency cases originating in New York, appeared to reject the request without sending the case to the full court. The high court has refused to respond to a number of vaccine-related challenges, including a lawsuit over Maine’s vaccine mandate for health care workers, and more workers’ challenges to the mandate of New York City, and a group of students from Indiana University.

However, two Supreme Court cases earlier this year prevented President Joe Biden’s administration from implementing a vaccine-testing plan for large business employers but allowed the vaccine mandate to remain in place. vaccine for health workers in government hospitals.

Lower courts in the Empire State decided two cases last month that affected New York City’s vaccination requirements. In a recent case, a Staten Island Superior Court judge ordered 16 sanitation workers to get their jobs back and back pay.

Click here to read more from the WASHINGTON Observer

Meanwhile, the city has appealed two lower court decisions that ruled in favor of the plaintiffs who opposed the vaccine mandate.

When New York City announced the end of self-government on September 20, Mayor Eric Adams (D) told reporters that the end of self-government for city employees “is not on on the radar”, says the separated route.


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