The director of the UVA LawTech Center is writing a book about Internet privacy | Media Pyro


CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. (WVIR) – Danielle Citron’s new book is about the fight for privacy and people’s access to our personal information.

The privacy battle isn’t just about keeping social media accounts private, it’s also about web search and how easy it is for companies to get that information.

“All this is collected, used, exploited and sold. So we might think, “Oh, sure, who cares about my quest?” No one sees it except the website.” These tools and services, promises, they are good for us. They make our lives easier and better, but they also don’t protect our intimate privacy, and they don’t need to,” Citron said.

She is the director of the UVA School of Law’s LawTech Center. She has been researching ways to protect our information since 2007.

“I’ve been studying and thinking about how companies intrude on intimate privacy,” Citron said.

She believes that students are the future that will help protect our privacy.

“It’s a perfect place to be with a lot of young people who I know want to help with this challenge. So I talked to the students, and the students were very interested in volunteering with our organization, The Cyber ​​​​Civil Rights Initiative,” Citron said.

She believes that changes will need to be made at the federal level, but can start with students.

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