Trees Beyond Forests initiative was launched in Assam | Media Pyro


Trees Beyond Forests Initiative: The “the trees outside the forests of India (TOFI)” program introduced by the Government of Assam and United States Agency for International Development (USAID)with the aim of bringing together farmers, businesses, and private organizations to increase the number of trees in the rare forests of the State.

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The Trees Behind the Forests Initiative: Key Points

  • Trees outside India’s forests, the new program aims to increase carbon sequestration, support local communities, and promote climate resilience in agriculture, supporting global climate change mitigation and adaptation goals.
  • Assam has given increasing tree cover outside the forest regions a high priority, as evidenced by the State Action Plan on Climate Change and its recent creation Assam Agroforestry Development Board (AADB).
  • The goal is to add 2.8 million hectares of tree cover outside of traditional forests, helping India achieve its national target of sequestering 2.5 to 3 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent. additional carbon footprints by 2030.

Trees outside the forests of India (TOFI): Objective

  • TOFI will increase the income of farmers in Assam by enhancing the resilience of farming systems, according to Ravi Shankar Prasad, State Additional Secretary in charge of Environment and Forests.
  • TOFI will use India’s private sector to develop and grow tree-based businesses and sell credit credits, helping to increase income, create jobs, and help Assamese families overcome the financial impact of the disaster.
  • Assam is one of the seven states that received up to $25 million from the US TOFI program. Andhra Pradesh, Haryana, Odisha, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, and Uttar Pradesh make up the remaining states.

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