What do I do if new developments fly over my property? | Media Pyro


Lake Charles, LA (KPLC) – The Law Corner answers viewers’ legal questions.

QUESTION: I am surrounded by new businesses and new buildings that seem very dirty. What should I do, since their land is on top of mine to build so high?

ANSWER: Articles 655 and 656 of the Louisiana Civil Code apply.

655: “The land below is bound to receive the surface waters that flow naturally from a land above if the flow is made by man.”

656: “The owner of the servant’s house will not do anything to prevent the flow of water. A landowner may not do anything to increase the burden of slavery.

Another rule is that the person who owns the land must keep the water of the land on him. When water flows from high ground to low ground, the owner of the low ground cannot puncture, divert or disturb the drain.

However, as the law makes clear that natural water cannot be manipulated, it is said to be foreign or man-made (such as when soil is brought in to create a land, as in the case of the observer), without running water. to be approved by the owner of the neighboring land.

So, it’s up to the viewer to document the situation – starting with writing to the business owner of at least one manufacturing company, and taking pictures of the trash being brought in. If the appearance of the drain changes, you can find out why.

QUESTION: Before Hurricane Laura, there were three duck hunting areas – east, west and coast. I say there are only two now, as they used to be, but the coast is all part of the western region. What is the truth?

ANSWER: First, go to the Wildlife and Fisheries website (www.wlf.la.gov) to see the map.

It’s different from the previous one – the western region, which includes us because we – Calcasieu, Cameron, Beauregard – all the regions of Texas, but it extends to the entire coast of Louisiana. For most of the region, if you head north from the West Region you will run into the East Region – most of the region is Highway 90.

On the website under “Seasons and Regulations,” click on “Migratory Game Birds” and you should see at the top of the page “Waterfowl/Goose Zone Maps”, and you can view the map in great detail.


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