Milwaukee police shooting in Bar District; Body camera video released | Media Pyro


The Milwaukee Police Department released a community briefing (below) on Monday, October 31, regarding a police shooting in Milwaukee’s downtown bar district in early September. Ernest Blakney was shot by the police.

The community briefing included dash camera video of the pursuit before the shooting and body camera video of the shooting incident. Investigation revealed that the suspect fired a total of 18 rounds and 76 rounds of MPD.

Blakney was wanted for the murder of his ex-girlfriend, 36-year-old Nikia Rogers. Her body was found on August 25 at her home in Blakeney’s Nash Park.

Ernest Blakney; Nikia Rogers; Police shooting scene near Juneau and Water

Officials said that shortly before 11 p.m. on Friday, September 2, officers saw what appeared to be a suspected homicide on the 22nd. Officers attempted to conduct a traffic stop, but the suspect refused to stop and gave chase.

The pursuit ended when the truck became disabled on Juneau Avenue west of Water Street downtown. At that point, the suspect got out of the vehicle and fired several shots at the officers, officials said. Several officers returned fire, striking the suspect.

Officers went to the truck Blakney was driving – and tried to save his life. Blakney was dead by then.

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A bystander was also shot and injured during the incident. A 22-year-old woman from Hudson was treated and released from the hospital.

No other community members or officials were shot.

Warning: The video in the player below may not be suitable for all viewers.

The shooting remains under investigation by the Oak Creek Police Department.

Eight officers were involved in the incident. Each officer was placed on administrative duty as is customary in critical incidents involving personnel.


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