The Government’s Legal Service for VR Consumers Has Moved | Media Pyro


Contributed by ADAP


Alabamans with disabilities who are having trouble finding work or independent living services have a new — but familiar — agency they can turn to for help.

Effective October 1, 2022, by order of Governor Kay Ivey, the Alabama Consumer Assistance Program (CAP) has been subsumed under the Alabama Disability Assistance Program (ADAP).

CAP is a federally funded program that provides information, advice and assistance to people with disabilities who apply for or receive services provided by the Alabama Department of Rehabilitation, Centers Federal Social Security and other programs funded by the Reform Act of 1973.

Through its new designation as CAP, ADAP’s attorneys and advocates will provide support and advocacy for people who have questions about rehabilitation programs, are experiencing delays in processing applications, or are denied services. required and will not accept admissions decisions.

ADAP is Alabama’s state protection and advocacy (P&A) agency and has more than 45 years of experience protecting and promoting the civil rights of people with disabilities. The agency provides information and referral services, legal support and outreach on a wide range of issues affecting people with disabilities, including community access, special education, Medicaid, rights voting, assistive technology, Medicaid Waivers, other ways to care and abuse and neglect.

“We look forward to helping people with disabilities understand their rights and address barriers to accessing vocational rehabilitation and independent living services,” said James Tucker, Esq., the executive director of ADAP. “CAP has found a perfect home; joined with ADAP’s seven other legislative initiatives, it is another way for our employees to support the civil rights of Alabamans with disabilities and promote their full inclusion in our communities.

To contact ADAP about its CAP services or to request assistance, call ADAP at 205-348-4928.


The Alabama Disabilities Advocacy Program is Alabama’s state-sponsored advocacy and advocacy organization whose mission is to protect and promote the safety, civil rights and well-being of people with disabilities. The agency envisions a society where people with disabilities are valued, self-directed through meaningful choices and equal opportunities. For more information, visit


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