World’s Longest River Cruise From Varanasi to Assam in January 2023 | Media Pyro


According to the latest reports, the world’s longest river cruise-Ganga Vilas Cruise will finally start its journey of 50 dyas from Varanasi to Dibrugarh next January. This news was announced by the Union Ministry of Ports & Water. The ferry will pass through Kolkata and Bangladesh covering 4000 km.

The purpose behind starting the tour is to promote tourism & develop better relations between the visitors of the two countries. According to reports, the ship will pass through national parks, sanctuaries and the Sunderbans Delta. Tourists can witness the beautiful Ganga Aarti at one of the Assi Ghats of Ganga in Varanasi, see the natural wonders of the world’s largest mangrove forest in the Sunderbans & the black magic of Mayong. The yacht will have 18 luxurious suites and other luxurious facilities on offer.

The initiative of the effort was taken in the form of Indo-Bangladesh trade protocol linking the Ganga and Brahmaputra rivers. It is the largest and covers 27 river systems and more than 50 tourist destinations. The cruise will start from Varanasi and reach Patna in 8 days. It will cover 1100 km of river corridor in Bangladesh before re-entering India. Proposed date of launch: 10 January 2023

The 50-day ferry is the result of the Public Private Partnership model in collaboration with the Government. The price of the cruise ship has not yet been announced, but according to reports, the central government will not interfere in the way the price is set. Operators will set prices on a cost-plus basis. The ferry will put India and Bangladesh on the river cruise map. In fact, the new journey will write a new history in the world of travel.


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